Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What is Peace?

 Peace is the way people used to express there way of thinking and ideas back in the 60s. Peace was used n the 60s by the counter culture to tell people that the wars in Vietnam were bad and that America should not have gotten involved. Since the word peace has been formed its been used to express the conditions between two waring nations. Back before the Wars and violence of two nations peace was among them. Peace would also mean a state of mind. If you are at peace you are in a calm relaxing state where you can think clear and make coherent thoughts and ideas. Peace has many different connotations but the one mostly used today is the bond between two people or nations. America has tried to reach Peace in the middle eastern countries of Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. America has used ways to achieve this that does not seem peaceful to some like fighting, killing, and hostile negotiations. To be at Peace is used in a lot of ways but the word has been formulated to be said in te4ms of slang. Peace out was used by the surfer population back in the 60s. You can use Peace to say goodbye to friends be saying Peace out or just use Peace. Peace has also been used in the argument of how the world should behave. Peacefully is the way America wants the world to behave with one another but that can not happen over night. Peace is used in many religions. With Christianity and Catholicism Peace be with you is a term of endearment to have a nice day. Peace is also used to meditate in other religions like Buddhism. If one reaches a state of Peace or Nirvana once can now fully.


  1. While "peace" was certainly the rallying cry of activists in the 60s calling for the end of US military intervention in Vietnam, the notion of peace has not always had such anti-war tones. The Romans' campaign of warfare which snuffed out petty tribal disputes in Europe with crushing military might was dubbed "Pax Romana" that is, "Roman Peace". It was thought that war, at the right moment in history, could prevent unrest from spreading across whole continents.

  2. Sure peace cannot happen over night but if we make it our life style and way of thinking we will reach peace very soon.

  3. I agree, if you have peace you are more likely to make more effective choices. Even if you cant get peace around but at least peace with in its good.
